Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Award for De Lima - for being "Flag-Bearer" of Human Rights in the Philippines

The Award goes to…

Senator Leila De Lima seems to be always in the international organization’s mind. Last year she also won an award from the 2016 Global Thinker Award from the Foreign Policy. In 2017 the senator received from Time Magazine as one of the Top Most Influential People for 2017.

And now even in detention, the number one critic of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte seems to be on the records books again for being the second Filipino to be awarded the Liberal International’s 2017 Prize for Freedom for being a “flag-bearer” for human rights in the Philippines.  *

Senator Leila De Lima (photo ManilaTimes)
Over 100 liberals from 32 countries met in Johannesburg, South Africa last week for the Liberal International’s (LI) 199th executive committee meeting and voted to award the Prize for Freedom to Senator Leila de Lima.

Marcus Loning, chairman of the LI’s human rights committee, said de Lima set “a shining example for other human rights defenders.”

The late president Corazon Aquino was the first Filipino to be bestowed of an award by the Liberal International in 1987 for her advocacy on “democracy, peace and the empowerment of women.”

Vows to continue fighting Duterte

She is elated and humbled by the Prize for Freedom award conferred by Liberal International (LI), and she vowed to continue fighting the “murderous” Rodrigo Duterte administration.

“I am humbled and honored to be chosen as the recipient of this prestigious Human Rights Prize, which was also bestowed to former president and democracy icon Corazon Aquino’, the senator said in a statement.

“More than a recognition, I regard this award as an inspiration that strengthens my resolve to continue opposing this murderous regime, its outright disregard for human rights and trampling of human dignity to my last breadth, especially because I am not alone in my fight,” she added. *

The senator has been detained in Camp Crame since February 20q6, on charges related to illegal drugs when she was the Secretary of the Justice department of the Aquino administration.


Report from Interaksyon
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