Wednesday, 6 September 2017

U.S. Ambassador to Kian and Carl’s deaths : “a tragedy”

The United States Ambassador to the Philippines Sung Kim is very vocal as to the deaths of Filipino teenagers under the government’s anti-drug war.

Barely two weeks since he made a comment via Twitter regarding the death of Kian Delos Santos : "My condolences go out to the family and friends of Kian. Hope that the investigations lead to full accountability,".

And now, the death of Carl Angelo Arnaiz, he makes his opinion heard again. *
United States of America Ambassador to the Philippines Sung Kim ( photo credit to SunStar)

The United States of America ambassador to the Philippines described the recent killings of the teenagers in legitimate police operations as “Tragic” but he notes that appropriate authorities are already investigating the cases.

In a press briefing the  US Ambassador admitted that he is “very cautious about commenting substantively” on the recent killings, and makes his reiteration very clear  regarding the need for a thorough probe on the cases.

“The recent cases involving the police and these tragic deaths of young men... there's an ongoing investigation so I’m very cautious about commenting substantively on what exactly happened,” Kim said in a press briefing.

“But, obviously, it’s a tragedy that young men lose their lives in this manner, and this is why I think it's so important for there to be full investigation and accountability of what happened,” he added.

Ambassador Kim also cites the government’s ( Malacañan ) efforts, an  indication to get to the very truth of the matter on the killings involving teenagers ( Delos Santos and Arnaiz) associated with the unrelenting war by the government against illegal drugs.

“Relevant authorities will look closely at what happened, and then, if any wrong is discovered, then there should be appropriate punishment for those involved,” Kim said.

Reports form PhilStar
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