President Rodrigo Roa Duterte yesterday in his second State of the Nation Address ( SONA)made
it very clear and emphatic in his call to both the Senate and House of
Representatives his call for the reimposition of a law that would allow death
penalty to be imposed again in the country.
The president made such call as urgent so much so he expects it to be passed as soon as possible.
The president made such call as urgent so much so he expects it to be passed as soon as possible.
“I ask Congress to
act on all pending legislations to reimpose the death penalty on heinous crimes
– especially on the trafficking of illegal drugs.”
The Philippines being a predominantly Catholic country, the
reimposition of the Death penalty would always be contentious, controversial,
and debatable issue.
Last April Senate Minority Leader Franklin Drilon had
already indicated atleast thirteen (13) senators who will block the passage of
the bill reinstating the death penalty in the country.
“It’s dead and the chances of resurrecting it before we even
bring it to a vote are very slim, if not zero, at least in this [17th]
Congress,” Drilon added.
And since April, numerous occasions has happened- massacres
of a family-mother and child(baby), different drug-related atrocities that has
affected the basic unit of society.
The president wants death penalty imposed on drug
traffickers and for those who commit heinous crimes like rape and murder.
The president explained that the death penalty under the Revised Penal
Code was not only meant for retribution but also to prevent the criminal from
killing another person again.
“In the Philippines, it's really an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,” Duterte said. “You took a life, then you must pay [for] it with life.”
The president in numerous occasions has reiterated that he does not believe that a criminal mind can be reformed. He cites the propensity of the criminal after being “reformed” after a while would commit more crimes once release from prison.
“You are soon to be lenient about this son of a
bitch, a human being that has a virulent brain and his enemy is society,”
Duterte said.“In the Philippines, it's really an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,” Duterte said. “You took a life, then you must pay [for] it with life.”
The president in numerous occasions has reiterated that he does not believe that a criminal mind can be reformed. He cites the propensity of the criminal after being “reformed” after a while would commit more crimes once release from prison.