Thursday, 19 October 2017

Escudero on impeachments : Previous administration did the same things

The President found an ally in Senator Francis Escudero.

The senator has been mostly quite since he lost his Vice-Presidential bid along with senator Grace Poe his presidential bet. And it seems married life has also been making the senator busy lately. A member of the majority bloc in the senate, aligned with President Duterte.

Escudero, fires back against the president detractors- his colleagues in the Senate, short of saying that they are hypocrites. *
Senator Francis Escudero (photo credit to owner)

The Liberal Party (LP) and its allies have no business talking about the “dictatorship” under President Duterte because the previous administration did the same things that the Duterte government is being criticized for now, Sen. Francis Escudero said yesterday.

Escudero said the LP should look back at the time when they were in power and they threatened to impeach then ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez, who resigned, and successfully impeached the late chief justice Renato Corona in 2012.

“Nobody said that we were headed to a dictatorship then,” he added.

Now, Duterte has been critical of Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno and Ombudsman Conchita Carpio-Morales and his allies have responded by initiating moves to remove them through impeachment.

The LP said these moves to impeach the heads of democratic institutions could lead to a dictatorship.

But Escudero said the threat of impeachment against Carpio, the filing of an impeachment complaint against Sereno and the incarceration of Sen. Leila de Lima are “parallel to, the same, and as if copied from what happened in the past.”

 “And we did not hear such an allegation then just like the allegations being thrown at the administration now,” Escudero said.

“It’s difficult for one to complain especially if you were part of the previous administration because they did the same things during their time,” he added.   *


Report from philstar






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