Thursday, 12 October 2017

Duterte to media : Never Lie

Hoping to get some slack from media, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte made a passionate and resonating call to all media practitioners.

During the relaunching of the MalacaƱang Press Briefing Room, the President urged all public and private media practitioners to uphold the truth at all times.

In his speech, he specifically made mention of the Presidential Communications Group to “remain committed to the truth.” *
screen grab from youtube

"Never exaggerate, never misinterpret, never agitate as you communicate our platform of governance. In other words, do not be arrogant," Duterte said.

The President urged the media to "never lie."

"Never confuse or search for answers with a need to engage the public through sensationalized news and overpublicized political propaganda," he said.

"There are so many things which I have been tempted in the past to blurt it out but for reasons of public interest, and maybe the prevailing sentiments, hinayaan ko na lang muna. Anyway, at the end of the day, lalabas naman ang totoo," he added.

The president has attacked big media companies because of its biased reporting regarding this administration’s brutal drug war.

The administration has several times defended the campaign, saying drug suspects killed in presumed-legitimate police operations had put up violent resistance.

According to government data Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency/ Philippine National Police/ National Bureau of Investigation (PDEA/PNP/NBI), a total of 3,811 alleged drug suspects were killed in anti-drug operations from July 1, 2016 to August 29, 2017. 

Government records also said there were 6,225 drug-related killings from July 2016 and September 2017.

While human rights organizations, show a contrary estimate on the death toll which they have pegged at between 9,000 to 10,000, which the government refutes.  *

The Duterte administration has repeatedly denied that summary killings amid its brutal drug war are state sponsored.


Report form abs-cbn website

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