Widodo just made a Duterte.
Indonesian President
Joko Widodo just made Philippine President Rodrigo Roa Duterte more
Just last month the Indonesian president issued a
shoot-to-kill order to its Indonesian National Police and its military against
drug dealers and traffickers, most especially foreign perpetrators. This call
was brought about by the drug situation in Indonesia which they fear to have
risen into a national emergency status.
Indonesia has one of the world’s toughest drug laws, and is
one of the remaining thirty three(33) countries that still use capital
punishment (death penalty) for drug related offenses.
"If they resist arrest, just gun them down, show no
mercy." said by the Indonesian president, while in a speaking engagement
in Jakarta. The statements of the Indonesian president have drawn direct comparisons
to his Philippine counterpart Rodrigo Duterte, who has been hugging the “limelight”
for alleged thousands of killings all of which has been connected to his brutal
war on drugs.
Heroin, marijuana, ecstacy, and methamphetamine, or
popularly known as Shabu or crystal meth, are the drugs of choice for Indonesia’s
estimated 1.2 million drug-abusers, similar to those preferred by drug addicts
in many countries in the South East Asian region.
Tito Karnavian, the Indonesian National Police chief, believes
that death penalty is an effective way
to combat drug dealers, despite endless debate regarding its effectiveness.
"From the practice in the field, we see that when we
shoot at drug dealers they go away," he added, referring to President
Duterte's shoot-to-kill order to the Philippine National Police. "So if
such a policy were implemented in Indonesia, we believe that the number of drug
traffickers and users in our beloved country would drop drastically." said
The remarks however made Human Rights Watch deputy director
for Asia, Mr Phelim Kine. Denounce such move saying that : "Duterte's drug
war is not about 'capital punishment' - a judicially imposed sentence after a
criminal trial - but a police-led summary killing campaign that that has killed
more than 7,000 Filipinos since Duterte took office."